Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I believe in coincidences

Having just watched the 9/11/01 movie, I am reminded by a strange and creepy coincidence. Most Americans knows what they were doing on 9/11/01, and I’m no exception. But, okay, in my last blog I wrote about Hoffer’s “The True Believer.” Well, in fact, it was the very week we were studying the fanaticism of true believers that the 9/11 terrorist act was committed. Coincidence that suicide bombing exactly fit into our discussions. We hadn’t at that point had a really good example to relate to in our lives as such, but suddenly there it was. It really was creepy that all the ups and downs of globalization and the reactions of true believers we were in the midst of studying became so vitally relevant to us young high-schoolers. Okay, this was just a quick, musing blog. Back to work….

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