Thursday, August 19, 2004

Are you down with the OED?

If you are down with the OED, congratulations, because 99% of people are not. That's right, only 1% of people really come into contact with the Oxford English Dictionary on any regular basis. But with words likes these....'s totally understandable.

The OED and I have become quite close this summer due to my job. It's very much a typical love-hate relationship. I have no idea how I'd accomplish my work without it, but sometimes its affinity for addressing every detailed nuance of a word drives me crazy.

This is a good book:


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

"I warned them. I said: I'll be back"


He has returned....again. You can't get rid of him. He's a good guy - sort of. He is both fascinated and confused by human beings. He can be shot and keep going. He can find you - anywhere. He is a special project created by people - gone wrong. He faces inner turmoil and conflict. He has a mission - and must complete it. He can protect you - if you're on his side. He can learn mercy. Smiling and laughing elude him. He loves car chases. He can run extremely fast - or extermely slow, depending on the need for a Baywatch scene. He is.....either the Terminator or Jason Bourne. Take your pick. In the end, I like them who's complaining?

(note: the second pic, I have been told, is not of Damon but was mislabeled when I found it - but honestly, it's close enough)


Welcome, friends. As many of you know, the last time I had an online post-it spot I posted so little that they finally cancelled my account. With that disclaimer out in the open, I will endeavor to entertain, amuse, and annoy....order unspecified.

